CPH joins The Network: Towards Unity For Health, Dean Dharamsi named to organization’s international advisory board

February 13, 2024 • News

By Sally Crocker

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Dr. Shafik Dharamsi

The College of Public Health at The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth has become a member of The Network: Towards Unity For Health, and Dr. Shafik Dharamsi, CPH Dean, has been named to the TUFH international advisory board.

TUFH is an official non-state actor of the World Health Organization, founded 45 years ago to become a “network of networks” for improved global health. TUFH’s work is guided by global health best practice approaches, including social accountability and accreditation, interprofessional education and team-based care, population health and community-based primary care. TUFH fosters health equity on a local, regional and global scale, with a focus on the social determinants of health and community driven solutions.

Through conferences, academies, fellowships and networking initiatives, TUFH facilitates collaboration to improve health outcomes on both a local and global scale. It convenes a global network of healthcare organizations, professionals, universities and thought leaders to empower positive transformation and improved health and well-being in communities.

TufhAs an advisory board member, Dr. Dharamsi will interact with a cross section of academic and health sector partners, civil society organizations and community leaders worldwide to provide perspective on a broad range of issues influencing health outcomes, as well as frame global and regional policy recommendations, host thought leadership symposiums and guide best practice journal editions, policy/position papers and organization of the network’s annual conference.

“We are excited to join this community of global leaders who are collaboratively creating solutions and driving health equity toward improving the quality and conditions of life,” Dr. Dharamsi said.

“Partnering with organizations like TUFH aligns with our mission,” he added, “as the CPH embarks on our new strategic plan – Impact 2030: Commitment to Community – to protect and improve health in North Texas, the nation and the world.”