October 2019 Updates

October 31, 2019 • Newsletter

Time and Effort for Summer is Here!

The Office of Sponsored Programs has distributed Summer (June – August) effort reports.  Looking forward to the next cycle, please check Grant Workcenter to review your payroll allocations now to ensure they are in line with your project effort. The below graphic will give you an idea of the full process and timeline for this cycle:

Summer 2019 Tne Timeline



OSP News

Proposal Submission Deadline: Effective November 8

As recently announced, the Division of Research and Innovation will be implementing a hard deadline for submission of proposals to the Office of Sponsored Programs, to begin on November 8th. The following administrative components of an application, at minimum, will be due no later than five (5) business days prior to the sponsor deadline date. The Faculty Research Support Team is available to assist with preparation of many of these documents, as is the Office of Research Services for Faculty in College of Public Health, and the Administrative Core for faculty in the Institute for Translational Research.


  • A completed External Proposal Transmittal (EPT) Form signed by all relevant parties
  • A completed and signed sponsor application package (except for the Science Components defined below)
  • Project Summary/Abstract (draft; should be included in the approval routing of the EPT form)
  • Detailed budget and justification (Note: If the budget format required by the sponsor is not sufficiently detailed, then a detailed budget should be submitted to OSP for review.  Normally, if you are using the budget worksheet available on OSP’s website, that should be sufficient.)
  • Biosketches
  • Appropriate administrative documents for all external participating institutions (consortia)
    • Letter of Intent to enter into a Consortium Agreement, signed by the subawardee’s Institutional Authorized Official
    • Statement of Work
    • Budget
    • Budget Justification
  • Letters of support (Institutional, named consultants and/or collaborators)
  • Confirmation of sponsor-specific indirect cost policy as specified in the sponsor’s published written policy or program guidelines (for indirect cost rates other than UNTHSC’s federally negotiated rate)
  • Cost Share Form (if applicable)
  • F&A Waiver Request Form (if applicable; deadline of 2 weeks prior to the sponsor deadline)
  • PI Eligibility Form (if applicable; Must be submitted to OSP for consideration 2 weeks prior to the sponsor deadline)

The remaining components of an application will be due no later than one (1) business day prior to the agency deadline date.


September Monthly Report Now in PowerBI

The Monthly Report data for September is now available in Power BI. If you have any questions, or suggestions for improvement to this report, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at OSP-Grants-IT@unthsc.edu. If you would like to dig into your data in Power BI, but don’t know where to start, we have our handy instruction guide here.  

Link: Insite reporting page


Compliance Bulletin

Purdue Professor and Wife Plead Guilty to Fraud against NSF

“The charging documents in the case allege that Dr. Han, a Purdue University professor and the Director of its Center for Materials Processing Research, devised a scheme to defraud the National Science Foundation (“NSF”) into giving Hans Tech over $1.3 million in research grants through its Small Business Innovation Research (“SBIR”) and Small Business Technology Transfer (“STTR”) programs by making materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, promises and material omissions. In pleading guilty, Dr. Han, individually, and Ms. Shao on behalf of Hans Tech, acknowledged that the purpose of the scheme was to obtain grant funds allocated for research and to use some or all of those funds for other purposes, including to pay personal expenses or for the enrichment of Dr. Han, Ms. Shao, or their children.” – US Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Indiana

Link: DOJ Announcement


NIH Tutorial on Conflict of Interest

In light of the heightened scrutiny around Conflicts of Interest and Conflict of Commitment, it is always nice to have a quick refresher on what Sponsors require. Below is a link to a handy online tutorial from NIH about what expectations they have related to Conflict of Interest disclosures and what an Investigator is responsible for

Link: NIH Tutorial

Celebrating Success!


Presidential Excellence Award: Jamboor K. Vishwanatha 

Our very own JK Vishwanatha was recently recognized with a prestigious Presidential Award For Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. This award honors the critical role of mentors in developing the STEM workforce, particularly recognizing that often the beneficiaries of this mentoring come from underrepresented groups in the STEM fields.

Link: NRMN Announcement