Department Overview

HSC’s Title IX Compliance Office advances the university’s mission by promoting a campus environment that upholds the highest standards of integrity and respect. The office is responsible for the campus-level enforcement of the Title IX Education Amendment Act and various other federal and state laws. These laws protect all members of the HSC community from sex-based discrimination, harassment, violence and abuse. To navigate the rest of the report, please use the links below. 

Signature Programs and Services

Prohibited Conduct Response and Resolution

The HSC Title IX Compliance Office inquires, investigates and adjudicates complaints involving allegations of sexual misconduct, sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment and related retaliation. The office provides equitable access t o all university programs and activities.

Sexual Violence Prevention and Outreach

As a part of HSC’s efforts to maintain a safe learning environment, all first -year and transfer students are required to complete the HSC Cares learning module during New Student Orientation. This course educates students on HSC policies and resources. Students engage with information related to assorted topics, including understanding sexual harassment and sexual violence, bystander intervention techniques, Title IX, hazing and reporting prohibited conduct.

Collaborative Initiatives

As part of HSC’s integrity and awareness week, the Title IX Office partnered with the Office of Institutional Integrity and Awareness to provide key information surrounding the prevention of discrimination and harassment. With a focus on both Title IX and Title VII matters, the training enabled employees to easily recognize and avoid potentially discriminatory and harassing behavior and communication. All HSC employees were required to either attend the live training session or to complete the online interactive session through the HSC-Learning portal.

As part of HSC’s ongoing commitment to provide education surrounding the employee mandatory reporting requirement, the office’s team, in collaboration with the UNT System’s Office of Equal Opportunity, provided key information to HSC employees. The information focused on complaint type and HSC’s anti-discrimination reporting structure. Roughly 20 employees attended the workshop, which enabled them to become more proficient at reporting complaints to the proper designated office for resolution. In addition, the workshop decreased the likelihood of an employee’s participation in an unintentional failure to report incident.

The office collaborated with the Center for Student Life to facilitate this student-focused education and awareness training that highlighted hazing, Title IX and the cross-over between the two areas of concern. The training was open to the HSC community. Attendees included leadership from register ed student organizations and the HSC student government. More than 75 members of the HSC community attended the live training or viewed the recording later . T he training enabled the attendees to identify and avoid potential hazing and Title IX-related activities.

Student Success Story


Title Ix

Jessica Proulx

Student, College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences

I have the privilege and responsibility to protect and prevent my peers from being subjected to sexual violence or discrimination. As I move forward with my career journey, these experiences are invaluable to ensure I can best identify and address incidents of sexual discrimination and uphold a safer school and workforce environment.