COMAT Scores

COMAT scores are reported by the NBOME as standardized scores based on national norms where the national mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 10. Typical scores fall within the range of 80 to 120. Since the COMAT score is used as part of the student’s clerkship grade, we scale the NBOME standardized score to a 100-point score. We employ a formula which sets the national mean (100) to a TCOM scaled score of 82, and anchors the score 1.7 standard deviations below the national mean (83) to a minimum passing score of 70. Scores are capped at 100. This formula is consistent across all COMAT subjects. Those who achieve an individual COMAT shelf exam score at or above the 90th percentile nationally receive Recognition for that exam.


Graphical class distribution indicating: 1) percentage of course Pass vs. Honors, and 2) percentage of COMAT Pass vs. Recognition (90th percentile or higher nationally)


MSPE 2023 Comat Scores