Research Resources

TCOM Research & Scholarly Activity Strategic Plan

    • TCOM Vision – Changing the way health care is delivered.
    • TCOM Mission – Create solutions for a healthier community by preparing tomorrow’s patient-centered physicians and scientists and advancing the continuum of medical knowledge, discovery, and osteopathic health care.

View Plan: TCOM Research & Scholarly Activity Strategic Plan

Early Career Development Council (ECDC)

Provides support for the success and well-being of early-career faculty (those at the rank of Assistant Professor, Research Scientist, and Research Assistant Professor) via quarterly general meetings, writing accountability groups, activities specific to scholarship, teaching, and leadership, and social gatherings. Acts as a liaison to other university groups/offices to coordinate and disseminate information specifically relevant to early-career faculty.


TCHD STAR Leadership/Pilot Project Program

The Investigator Development Core (IDC) provides training and support for eligible scholars (post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty and early-stage investigators) with the objective of increasing scholars’ success in establishing extramural research programs and provide mentorship to sustain successful research careers. To meet this objective, the IDC has developed the Steps Toward Academic Research (STAR) Leadership Program that provides grantsmanship training, pilot projects and professional development supported through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 5U54MD006882-07 NIMHD GRANT mechanism and from institutional funds.


Graduate Certificate in Academic Medicine “GCAM”.

Participants focus on developing a solid base of core academic skills and a commitment to a career of teaching, scholarly investigation and leadership in academic medicine. Subject areas include:

Earn your Graduate Certificate in Academic Medicine (15 credit hours) in one academic year with seven on-campus training sessions totaling 30 days. Both format and content are focused on meeting the needs of today’s academicians and academic institutions.

Participants continue to work on projects between sessions, with guidance from the instructor. The last session in June serves as a Capstone course to highlight the completed projects.


Additional Links and Resources

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The University of North Texas Health Science Center’s (UNTHSC) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) provides the oversight of the animal care and use program through ensuring the proper care and use of animals in research, testing, and education.

  • USDA Registration Number: 74-R0081
  • PHS Assurance Number:  A3711-01 or D16-00417
  • AAALAC Accreditation Status: Unit 000622; Continued Full Accreditation – July 6, 2017.
  • AAALAC-Accreditation-Letter-2017

The North Texas Reginal IRB

The North Texas Regional IRB is a collaboration involving UNTHSC and the John Peter Smith (JPS) Health Network to provide human subject protection review services to both UNTHSC and JPS researchers…in a single IRB framework. As a Regional IRB, other collaborations are possible throughout the North Texas region, hence the name “North Texas Regional IRB”.  As new collaborating partners become involved with the North Texas Regional IRB, announcements will be sent out regarding these new partnerships and opportunities.

For additional information about this, please visit our “Frequently Asked Questions about North Texas Regional IRB” (click on the hyperlink). You may also contact us at 817-735-0409.

UNTHSC Experts Portal

UNTHSC Experts Portal showcases the expertise of scholars, researchers and healthcare providers at the University of North Texas Health Science Center and aids in the search of collaborative partner and subject matter experts. We invite you to search our database by keyword, field of expertise or the last name using the search panel. Alternatively, you can browse for experts in the Profiles tab or for teams in the Research Units tab. More information about the UNT Health Science Center can be found at

Grant Forward

UNTHSC is now subscribed to GrantForward Funding Opportunity Search and Recommendation service, which is open to all members of our institution. We invite you to sign up to use the service to keep your awareness of funding opportunities.