Health In Music Education Symposium 2016


This important symposium was held on the UNT Denton campus in 2016. In each session, a musician is paired with a researcher or clinician to discuss an area of Performing Arts Health. The musician shares a testimonial of their struggles in that area, while the researcher/clinician provides more information on the topic, work that is being done, and ways to get involved.


See the entire Health in Music Education Symposium below:


Introduction: Drs. Kris Chesky and Sajid Surve

Musculoskeletal Health: Drs. Eric Nestler and Sajid Surve

Vocal Health: Lauren Lestage and Dr. Stephen Austin

Hearing Health: Drs. John Murphy and Amyn Amlani

Hygiene: Dr. Alisa Rich & Travis Harris

Future Direction: Drs. Kris Chesky & Sajid Surve

Engineering Approaches: Drs. George Kondraske and James Ford