Student Achievement

Institutional Achievement Metrics

Excellence in education is a central focus of the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth’s mission to “Create solutions for a healthier community.” To ensure educational excellence, UNTHSC evaluates success with respect to student achievement in accordance with the following institutional standards.

Graduation Rates

Summary of Entering Cohort and Graduation Rate by Degree Level

2021 2022 2023
Entering Cohort Grad Rate Entering Cohort Grad Rate Entering Cohort Grad Rate
Doctoral Research-Scholarship
10-Year Grad Rate (PhD, DO/PhD Dual Degree)
45 64% 44 75% 23 78%
Average Time to Degree 3.4 Years 4.0 Years 5.1 Years
Doctorate Professional Practice
6-Year Grad Rate (DO, PharmD, DPT)
384 96% 376 97% 376 93%
Average Time to Degree 3.8 Years 4.0 Years 4.0 Years
6-Year Graduation Rate (MS, MPAS, MPH, MHA)
542 86% 478 84% 466 88%
Average Time to Degree 1.8 Years 2.0 Years 1.7 Years

Disaggregation of Entering Cohort and Graduation Rate

The above data may be viewed disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, and degree in the following PDFs.


Program Enrollment and Entrants by College

  2021 2022 2023
  Enrollment New Entrants Enrollment New Entrants Enrollment New Entrants
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine 952 239 949 247 947 239
Graduate Certificate 9 9 14 14 8 8
Doctorate 943 230 935 233 939 231
School of Biomedical Science 509 398 476 318 480 321
Bachelor of Science 0 0 5 5 17 7
Master of Science 433 380 388 295 382 300
Doctorate 76 18 83 18 81 14
School of Public Health 271 99 204 51 195 72
Master of Health Administration 47 25 44 14 45 19
Master of Public Health 188 58 142 32 131 47
Master of Science 7 3 3 0 1 1
Graduate Certificate 13 7 4 2 4 0
Doctorate 16 6 11 3 14 5
School of Health Professions 383 153 380 144 381 154
Masters of Physician Assistant Studies 215 74 216 75 215 71
Masters of Science 31 31 26 23 34 34
Graduate Certificate 1 1 2 2 0 0
Doctorate 136 47 136 44 132 49
College of Pharmacy 392 100 356 81 364 108
Masters of Science 4 4 9 3 30 24
Graduate Certificate 6 6 10 0 18 17
Doctorate 382 90 337 78 316 67
HSC Total 2507 989 2365 841 2367 894

Further data disaggregation by race, ethnicity, gender, and degree will be available by the end of Summer 2024. For more information, please email

Program Completions

Program Completions by College

2021 2022 2023
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine 227 236 225
Graduate Certificate 9 8 14
Doctorate 218 228 211
School of Biomedical Science 271 301 313
Bachelor of Science 0 0 0
Master of Science 258 292 296
Doctorate 13 9 17
School of Public Health 81 96 95
Master of Health Administration 11 17 17
Master of Public Health 55 67 69
Master of Science 6 5 3
Graduate Certificate 8 0 5
Doctorate 1 7 1
School of Health Professions 146 141 141
Masters of Physician Assistant Studies 74 68 71
Masters of Science 32 30 23
Graduate Certificate 0 0 2
Doctorate 40 43 45
College of Pharmacy 95 121 94
Masters of Science 0 2 3
Graduate Certificate 6 10 14
Doctorate 89 109 77
HSC Total 820 895 868

Further data disaggregation by race, ethnicity, gender, and degree will be available by the end of Summer 2024. For more information, please email

Program Licensure Pass Rates

Licensure Pass Rates by Exam

2021 2022 2023
HSC National HSC National HSC National
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
COMLEX Level 1 97.4 93.7 97.8 92.2 93.4 90.6
COMLEX Level 2 98.2 96.5 94.4 95.1 96.3 94.5
COMLEX Level 3 99.6 97.1 99.5 96.3 N/A N/A
School of Health Professions
Doctor of Physical Therapy
NPTE 95 87 91 82 84 80
Master of Physician Assistant
PANCE 95 93 100 92 97 92
College of Pharmacy
Doctor of Pharmacy
NAPLEX 82 83 77 79.6 74 78.7

Student Experience Survey

The UNTHSC conducts a yearly Student Experience Survey to evaluate students’ overall level of satisfaction with a variety of elements of campus life and to determine opportunities for improvement in academic, co-curricular, and operational programs. The survey addresses academics, educational program services, educational satisfaction, instructional facilities and services, Canvas Learning Platform, Student and Academic Affairs programs and services, Student Health Clinic services, and other institutional offices. Planning and Decision Support within the Office of University Assessment and Accreditation develops the surveys, coordinates the survey administration process, analyzes results, and delivers survey reports.