Dr. Katrina Roop – Family Medicine
February 15, 2022 • February 2022, Serve Others First, VOTM
Nominated by Lauren Goodpaster for Serve Others First
Dr. Roop is a consistently involved faculty advisor who offers a wealth of support, resources, and encouragement towards her advisees. Recently one of our first year students had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Dr. Roop has gone above and beyond to surround the student with love and support. She worked with another one of her advisees to build up a class fundraiser to assist in the students medical expenses. Additionally, Dr. Roop quilted an HSC quilt for her classmates to sign and leave encouraging messages to keep her warm and in good spirits during her treatments and as she navigated her diagnosis. Dr. Roop has made trips down to see the student and visit with her. She worked with Dr. Ziller to allow the student to receive an honorary degree and set up a virtual graduation ceremony. Dr. Roop embodies all of our institutions values but in this moment I wanted to highlight her natural and selfless ability to serve others first. Dr. Roop is not only a great physician, amazing faculty advisor and mentor, she embodies every quality of the people we seek to honor with this award.
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