Guillermo Gomez – Marketing and Communications
March 29, 2022 • Collaboration, March 2022, valubility, VOTM
Valubility of the Month March 2022
Nominated by Paula Cobler for Collaboration
In two instances this month, Guillermo dropped what he was doing to design beautiful pieces for the UNT System Board of Regents meeting. In the first case, he worked to update the design of HSC’s Strategic Plan. It was a complicated project, and it involved him working while HSC was closed because of bad weather. Guillermo never complained that he had to work, and he collaborated with co-workers in MarCom and the President’s Office to come up with a new design and make multiple rounds of revisions. In the end, both Dr. Williams and Chairman Lee complimented the format and layout. When Guillermo received a positive email about his work, he was quick to thank others for their contributions. The second project involved Guillermo creating a two-page document with photos, titles and biographical information about those serving on the search committee for the new HSC president. This document could have looked very basic, but Guillermo went above and beyond to create a beautiful design that reflects HSC’s brand. Once again, he collaborated with others in the department to create the best version of the document and to give credit to those who helped.
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