Lee Ann Cunningham – Institute for Patient Safety
December 15, 2021 • Be Visionary, Nov.-Dec. 2021, VOTM
Nominated by John Sims for Be Visionary
LeeAnn truly exemplifies all HSC values; I selected “Be Visionary” as per this example. The HSC campus has remained open during the recent surge in Covid-19 cases. SaferCare Texas began facilitating self-tests in Sept. for all HSC students, faculty, and staff to provide peace of mind on safely returning to campus. Our first location was lot 19 across from the Student Center. It presented numerous challenges with weather, logistics, and safety. As an expert in project management and an “out of the box “thinker, LeeAnn advocated moving the location to Alumni Plaza and providing clear bins to house test kits pending results. This was an EXCELLENT choice! Not only were the aforementioned challenges solved, but set-up/tear down takes five minutes, as opposed to >30min previously. Thank you, LeeAnn, for seeing obstacles as opportunities rather than project failures. You are truly visionary and exceptionally valuable to HSC and SaferCare Texas!
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