Peter Mosley – Educational Programs, TCOM
December 15, 2021 • Nov.-Dec. 2021, Serve Others First, VOTM
Nominated by Vic Holmes for Serve Others First
I would like to nominate Dr. Peter Mosley for Valubility of the Month for his incredible service to the students in our PA program. In general, Dr. Mosley goes out of his way to help with the proofreading and improving the written communication of our students’ papers and assignments. As a specific example, one of the students in the PA Master’s Project course was having an extremely difficult time with their capstone paper. I reached out to Dr. Mosley for assistance. Normally, their office will review small samples of writing to help the students use for improving their full assignment, but this student was truly struggling. Dr. Mosley recognized this and agreed to work directly with the student to help. The end product was a better writing sample, but more importantly, the student really felt more confident in their ability. This is directly due to Dr. Mosley’s time spent helping improve their skill and attention to detail. This is just one example of how he has helped our program and how he has made our students better providers and communicators.
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