Steven Bartolotta, John Lentz and James Renfro
December 15, 2021 • Collaboration, Nov.-Dec. 2021, VOTM
Steven Bartolotta – Academic Communications
John Lentz – Educational Programs, TCOM
James Renfro – Student & Academic Affairs
Nominated by Felicity White for Collaboration
This group deserves Valubility of the Month for their leadership in making a substantial revision and improvement to the annual TCOM Medical Student Performance Evaluation (Dean’s Letter) process for the 2022 Match cycle. As a result of their combined efforts and leveraging technology, the letters were transformed into a MUCH more readable and useful product which will serve our students (and the GME programs seeking to recruit them) very well. Additionally, the workload was streamlined to make more efficient use of everyone’s time. Kudos to Jimmy, John, and Steven!
Valubility of the Month – Nov./Dec. 2021
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