Accepted Students

Sph Students walking through campus.

Congratulations on your acceptance to the College of Public Health!

Below is helpful information to guide your preparation.


Seat Deposit

To secure your seat there is a non-refundable $200.00 deposit fee that will be used toward your tuition upon arrival (PhD admits are exempt). Students may make a one-time choice to defer entrance up to 1 year. The fee to defer is $300.00.  Finally, if declining acceptance, please take a few minutes to tell us about your future plans at Find the two payment options via our SPH Seat Deposit site. Payment may be in the form of a credit or debit card, processing fees apply.

Course Payment

Tuition & Fees Payments are due the Sunday before classes begin. Payment plans are not available for 8-week online courses. Loans are not available for certificate and non-degree seeking students.

Academic Integrity, Policies & Procedures

UNTHSC School of Public Health students are expected to read, be familiar with, and abide by the general academic policies and procedures for both UNTHSC and SPH. It is the responsibility of the student to abide by university student code of conduct and follow all appropriate policies and procedures. Newly admitted students to the School of Public Health should review the following presentation on Academic integrity: Academic Integrity Presentation: Dr. Tracey Barnett, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Public Health

Procedure Manual of The School of Public Health

CPH Common Reading

The Common Reading Program is a shared learning experience for all incoming students in the School of Public Health at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. It is an expectation that students read the appointed common reading, as students will engage in discussions surrounding this topic. The purpose of this program is to stimulate meaningful conversations about the professions that you are entering while learning about all possibilities to make a difference. This will provide your cohort with a shared learning experience about the fields of public health, health administration, and leadership.  The Common Reading selection for Fall 2022 was The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates (2011) by Wes Moore. The Other Wes Moore tells the story of a generation of boys trying to find their way in a hostile world. Two kids named Wes Moore were born blocks apart within a year of each other, but have widely varying life outcomes.

2022 Fall Common Reading Letter                              2022 Fall Student Reading Guide – IPE Common Reading

Check back in Spring 2023 for information about the Fall 2023 Common Reading selection!

Co-Curricular Requirements

UNTHSC School of Public Health requires students to maintain involvement beyond the daily classroom.

Professional Development: Students participate in regular professional development sessions. 

Interprofessional Education: UNTHSC students of all programs are participating in interprofessional education activities. These activities bring together students from various disciplines to enable effective collaboration and improve health. IPE events are carried out on a semester basis.

Community Service: “Serve Others First” is one of the values of the UNT Health Science Center. As a school of public health, we strive to live this value and encourage our students to pursue the university’s vision to create solutions for a healthier community. Through community service, our students and staff can lend their time and expertise by promoting health in their respective communities.

Journal Club: Journal clubs are educational meetings where individuals meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the scientific literature. They have often been cited as a bridge between research and practice; they encourage the application of research in practice. They have long been recognized as a means of keeping up to date with the literature, promoting evidence based practices and teaching critical appraisal skills. Critical appraisal is the process of systematically examining research evidence to assess its validity, results, and relevance before using it to inform a decision.  Additionally, journal clubs provide an educational space for students and faculty to discuss controversial issues and best practices. Common themes for successful journal clubs seem to be that they are question driven and appraisal focused.

Technology Requirements

Students will be responsible for sourcing and maintaining a laptop computer during the duration of their program.

The following laptop technology minimums will support your successful work in statistical software. Technology days for software uploading and testing will be scheduled before classes begin for software uploading and testing, in-person for cohort students and virtual (approximately two hours) for online students. Students will receive more information and additional details from SPH Academics ( Your active participation in a test session during technology week will help ensure readiness for classes on day 1.

SPH Student Technology Minimum Configuration: 

  • Windows-based laptop (Should not be older than two years)
  • Minimum RAM 4 GB preferably 8 GB or up
  • Hard Drive 50 GB (free space)
  • Processor i3 (minimum)
  • Webcam
PC-based laptops are required. MAC’s are not acceptable as SAS does not work on the MAC operating system.

Cohort Advising Sessions

Sessions are available with faculty advisors if you have lingering questions about your concentration, coursework, and practice/internship opportunities.

Online Student Advising Sessions

Advising Sessions are available with faculty advisors to prepare your enrollment plans. During this phone call/video meeting your advisor will assist in mapping out your degree completion plan. Find your advisor & contact information below.

Course Registration

Cohort student registration is completed by HSC personnel, no action for enrollment is required beyond paying your seat deposit. Students should be registered prior to orientation. Please review your program’s degree plan to verify correct enrollment. If you have questions, please contact

Online students: Check out the Registrar’s Enrollment Guide to understand further functions within our student portal.  This guide will lead you through the course registration processYou will need your EUID and password to login to the Student Center. If you have not yet cleared any insurance hold, you will need to do so before registering.  See the Enrollment Guide for further instructions.

Purchase Textbooks

Textbook requirements will be listed within the course section link that is located on your class schedule in the Student Center. ISBN is provided so that you may purchase your books through an online book source such as Amazon, etc.

Practice Experience (Internship)

Practicum experience is advised by graduate faculty and arranged by students. Students local to the Fort Worth and DFW area may take advantage of HSC relationships in the local community. Students in other locations will be coached on how to connect with potential practicum sites, develop their project goals, and to gain the most from their practicum experience.

Students complete 600 hours over the course of multiple semesters, as fits with their program completion goals and availability.  Exception: Students who have substantial prior professional experience that aligns with MPH competencies may apply for a waiver of up to 300 of these hours. From this professional field experience, students gain a professional reference, interview discussion material, and new confidence in their career path.

HSC Resource Guide

Follow to our HSC Resource Guide for information on:

  • Orientation Details
  • Student Health Insurance
  • Housing
  • Covid-19 Vaccine Protocol
  • Student Experience 
  • Academic Calendar
  • Family Resources
  • Contact Information

Additional Resource Pages include:

Canvas Classroom

Courses and tutoring resources will be available through the Canvas Learning System. Access to your courses will be available during the week prior to the first day of class.  


If you have previously received academic accommodations, we suggest applying for those at the start of your program whether you plan to use while at UNTHSC or not.  This will allow for prompt activation should it be needed at a later date.

University Email

You will receive communication from University IT when your email becomes active. Access is available through multiple points including Office365 and MyHSC. Your initial password is “Unthsc” + your four digit year of birth.  You’ll have the opportunity to reset your password upon accessing the system.

Who to Contact for Questions

CPH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

We’re glad you have questions. Graduate school is a big step and requires careful consideration. You’re always welcome to email or call us for answers, but for your convenience, we’ve curated our responses to the most common questions from our applicants. You may view our “Frequently Asked Questions” page by following this link:

Students (in-person, full-time)

International Students

Once you have accepted an offer of admission into a UNTHSC program, you will need to complete the Initial Attendance I-20 Request form. If you are bringing with you a dependent, you will also need to complete the Dependent I-20 Request. Please refer to the Cost of Attendance budget sheets for your specific program to determine the amount for which you must provide financial documentation. If you have questions about these forms or the required documentation, please e-mail the International Services Office. After your I-20 has been issued, please refer to the Express Mailing Instructions in order to have your I-20 shipped to you. Once you have received your I-20, you will need to obtain your F-1 visa. For more information on that process click HERE.

CPH Departments & Research

CPH Office of Academic Services

The SPH Office of Academic Services provides centralized comprehensive services to all students and alumni of the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) School of Public Health (SPH). These services include guidance related to degree requirements and academic deadlines; assistance with course registration, transfer credit, and advanced standing; scheduling and enrollment for the SPH examination; administration of the MPH public health practice experience; notification of school-wide information through the SPHFYI (school newsletter); professional development sessions; student development activities; and school-funded scholarship opportunities. Representatives from the office also serve as a liaison between other campus offices to ensure students have a successful experience at UNTHSC School of Public Health.

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of Academic Services at or visit our office in the Carl E. Everett Education and Administration (EAD) building, 7th Floor, Room 716.


Explore the expertise of scholars, researchers and healthcare providers at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. Our rich UNTHSC Expert Portal aids in the search of ongoing research projects, existing collaborative partnerships and our extensive subject matter experts. We invite you search our database by key word, field of expertise or last name using the search panel. Alternatively, you can browse for experts in the Profiles tab or for teams in the Research Units tab.


Explore Fort Worth

If your time at UNTHSC means relocation to Fort Worth, welcome to our vibrant hometown. We encourage our students to take some time to familiarize themselves with their new home. The city of Fort Worth is the 12th largest city in the United States. Learn more about what the great city of Fort Worth has to offer.