Vaccine registration resources

HSC Health

HSC Health’s Priority Care and Student Health Clinics continue to offer first, second, and third or booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. (Surgical, ear-loop masking is required in patient care areas within HSC Health.)

  • Faculty and staff can schedule an appointment for yourself or a member of your household for either the first, second, or third COVID-19 vaccine dose in the Priority Care Clinic by calling 817-735-CARE.
  • Students can schedule an appointment in Student Health by calling 817-735-5051.

Tarrant County Vaccine Finder

Visit the Tarrant County website to register for your COVID-19 vaccine.

Register for a vaccine in Tarrant County helps you find locations that carry COVID-19 vaccines and their contact information. Because every location handles appointments differently, you will need to schedule your appointment directly with the location you choose.

Find a vaccine at

State of Texas Vaccine Resources

Texas Department of State Health Services COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Pharmacy Locations

2-1-1 Texas

2-1-1 will assist patients with finding COVID vaccine locations across Texas. 2-1-1 will NOT schedule the appointment but provide resources such as website and/or phone numbers for patients to schedule their own appointment. When you need help, but don’t know where to turn, call 2-1-1. A highly trained information and referral specialist will
listen to your needs and connect you with the right community organization or government agency. It’s free and confidential.

  1. Dial 2-1-1
  2. Select Option 6 for COVID Vaccine Scheduling Assistance (Live person)
  3. Callers will need to provide their Zip Code, Age, and Veteran status