What we do

The work of the OMC is strategically focused on strengthening the HSC brand. The OMC works with all areas of our One University and our efforts are to help HSC tell it’s story through the work all of our schools, programs, research efforts and clinical operations. Our work usually falls into these areas.

Brand, communication and marketing strategy

When you have something to tell, show or promote, think about the strategy to get the results you are after. The OMC team can help you set a course for effective communication whether it is done internally or with freelance support. It’s always good to get some insight before you get started. Sometimes it’s only validation, but other times it may reveal unseen opportunities — both of which are important. And it affords opportunities for Extraordinary Teamwork.

Writing, news, media and social

With five schools, research, clinical work and other programs, we have multiple opportunities to tell stories of the ground-breaking discoveries, education advances and health-care successes at HSC. By providing content for a variety of communications platforms — news media, magazines, newsletters, our website and social media outlets — we work hard to establish and strengthen the brand of HSC locally, regionally and nationally.


We design for communications challenges. Each project starts with a professional consultation and project recommendations. Depending on scope on the project, we can make suggestions and possibly assist with your project from conception to completion and help you tie it to the strategic vision of HSC.

Internal communication

Do you have information you want to share with the HSC community? We can provide the tools, resources and advice on developing a successful internal communication campaign — building the brand on the inside with you and through Extraordinary Teamwork.

Photography and video

Photography and video provide a window to our world. Our publications, websites and promotional materials rely on consistent and engaging photos and videos to illuminate the work we do here and the talented and committed members of the UNTHSC community.

Web content management and services

We help HSC departments create and manage their web presence on the UNTHSC.edu site. The OMC team can help with editor access and training, content strategy and creation and development of special features like web forms.