NTR IRB Reliance Agreement

Reliance agreements for NTR IRB affiliated researchers (from UNTHSC, JPS, UNT Dallas, etc.) are done on a case-by-case basis and require acceptance from NTR IRB leadership, as well as Institutional Leadership.

Investigators who request for another IRB to be the IRB of record for a multi-site human subject research study they are engaged in, or vice versa (request the NTR IRB be IRB of record for a multi-site human subject research study) should first complete the form below, explaining the situation/request, and reason for the reliance agreement. Occasionally, the NTR IRB may be contacted by the other IRB as well. In either situation, it is important for the PI to keep the IRB updated regarding their plans/needs, and follow all procedures/processes as instructed by the IRB.

Additional Guidance Resources for Reliance Agreements: 

  • Refer to the “NTR IRB Worksheet: Communication & Responsibilities for Collaborative Projects” guidance document to help all parties involved in a collaborative/reliance agreement (relying and reviewing IRBs and staff, lead PI and study team, and relying PI and study team) define their role and responsibilities as well as a communication plan when conducting a multi-site research project.
  • For federally funded, multi-site (non-exempt) projects where the investigators are relying on the NTR IRB, please refer to this checklist, titled “NTR IRB Considerations for Serving as the sIRB”, which outline the specific responsibilities for the Principal Investigator of the Lead Study Team.

This page was last modified on July 29, 2024