Get Involved in Sustainability
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The Office of Sustainability was founded in 2012 after the HSC students voted in a fee to fund environmental improvements on campus. Learn what we’re doing and get involved!
- Learn what sustainability is and why HSC has a sustainability office
- Student Guide to Sustainability
- Employee Guide to Sustainability
- Serve on the Sustainability Committee – Students, Staff, & Faculty are all welcome to serve
- Events & Outreach
- HSC Sustainability YouTube Playlist (videos on recycling, climate change, sustainable menstruation, and more)
- Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, Following us on Instagram, and signing up for our newsletters.
Top 7 Sustainability Tips for HSC
Drink From Reusables – We have over 45 quick-fill water stations on campus that deliver cold, filtered water in a touchless manner. Make a commitment to use your own reusable water bottle at meetings, lunch events, and really everywhere you go rather than grabbing a bottled water (learn more about the impact of plastic on wildlife and human health). Also, bring your own coffee mug to campus. Disposable coffee cups are not recyclable due to their mixed material.
- BYO Fork & Spoon – Plastic single-use cutlery is not recyclable and billions are thrown away each year in the US. To get in the habit, leave a set in multiple places like work or school, your car, or bag. There are travel sets you can purchase, or you can just use a set from home. Join our Monthly Sustainability Challenge for a chance to earn a reusable set from HSC Sustainability. (Parsa Kosari, PT Student, & Emily Eng, Pharmacy Student pictured here)
- Recycle Right – Recycling is confusing and every place recycles different things. Pay attention to the recycling signs on our bins and especially keep food and beverages out of the recycling. Take our Recycling Quiz here to see how much you know about HSC recycling!
- Stop “Wishcycling” – Have you ever put something in the recycling bin without knowing for sure if it gets recycled? We all have. Unfortunately, this behavior, known as “wishcycling” does more harm than good. Wishcycling contaminates the recycling, and that contamination can ultimately cause other recyclables to be thrown in the landfill (learn more here). One of the biggest culprits in the recycle bin is film plastic such as plastic packaging, grocery bags, etc. Recycle film plastic at you local grocery store, Target, or Walmart. Labs participating in LEAP as well as some offices do this regularly on campus.
- Print Less Often – Yes, you’ve heard this tip many, many times yet it is worth saying again considering the ink, paper, energy, and waste management associated with printing. Send (or ask to send) agendas electronically at meetings rather than printing them for all attendees. If you do need to print, print double-sided or multiple pages on a single sheet. Also, ask IT or the owner of the printer to default to double-sided printing on shared printers.
- Purchase Sustainable Supplies – As we are getting back to campus (or even with your supplies if working from home), make an effort to purchase sustainable office supplies. The demand for such supplies has made the prices much more competitive and often these supplies cost the same or are cheaper than alternatives. Look for items made from recycled material, FSC certified paper (ensures that the wood was harvested responsibly), reusable or rechargeable, etc. If you do not purchase supplies for your department, speak to the person who does. Office Depot has a “Greener Office” site to make it easier to find and order sustainable items.
- Get Connected – Stay up to date with HSC Sustainability by liking us on Facebook, Following us on Instagram, and signing up for our newsletters.
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