Master of Public Health Online

Public Health Leadership

You want to advance your role in the public health field while maintaining your career and family responsibilities. Complete your MPH in a 100% online setting or by blending the best of online and on-campus. Answer the calling to discover solutions to society’s challenges and make the community around you better than it was yesterday.

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Enter the MPH Public Health Leadership Online 48 credit hour program, which is best for recent graduates or career changers. Engage with a range of public health competencies and skills including public health management, organizational leadership, health policy, program planning and evaluation, and more. Build the skills to play an adaptable role as the needs of your community change today, tomorrow and in the future. Enjoy customizing your program with 12 elective credits from a pre-approved list of courses.

Pursue your MPH Public Health Leadership Online 42 credit hour program, which is best suited for those with at least 3 years of work experience in public health or medical professions or applicants that already hold an advanced degree or are enrolled in a dual graduate program. Gain a strong foundational knowledge and skill set rooted in public health management, organizational leadership, health policy, program planning and evaluation, and more. Enjoy customizing your program with 9 elective credits from a pre-approved list of courses.

About the Program

Full-time or part-time Choose the pace that’s right for you. Students balancing work, family and enrollment are encouraged to take 1 course each 8 week accelerated session. Students with no additional commitments may complete 2 courses each 8 week session. Part-time students complete the program in 3 years and Full-time students in about 2 years.

5 Starts a Year Online classes take place in 5 sessions of 8 weeks each year. Those sessions are:

  • Fall I
  • Fall II
  • Spring I
  • Spring II
  • Summer

Flexible Program Work is divided by week and students must keep in pace with the weekly schedule. Class activity – content review, discussion boards and written assignments – often require going online to participate in the class multiple times each week. We recommend students be prepared to spend 12-15 hours a week on each course due to the accelerated pace.
Make changes to your progress as needed. Our online program allows students to easily stop out for a term or two should work or life changes make it necessary.

Co-Curricular Programs Students are required to participate 4 hours of co-curricular programming each 8 week session. Events interlude opportunities in career preparation, cross-discipline collaboration and self-care programs. Activities are coordinated and participation tracked by the SPH Office of Academic Services.

Community Service Students are encouraged to complete 2 hours of community service each month they are active in SPH classes. Faculty, staff and students in the School of Public Health regularly contribute their talents and skills to support solutions for a healthier community. Service work can be completed with current organization relationships or opportunities in the DFW area are regularly provided by the Office of Academic Services. The Associate Dean for Community Engagement will send communications for reporting and tracking of any volunteer activities each term.

Practicum experience is arranged by students and advised by graduate faculty. Students local to the Fort Worth and DFW area may take advantage of UNTHSC relationships in the local community. Students in other locations will be coached on how to connect with potential practicum sites, to develop their project goals and to gain the most from their practicum experience. Practicum experiences often last 6 months to 1 year and include about 600 hours from conception to completion.  Students who have substantial prior professional experience that aligns with MPH competencies may apply for a waiver of up to 300 of these hours.

Campus resources are available to you from Financial Aid to the Library, even Career Services to our Academic Services office. You are always welcome, but never have to come to our physical location.

On Campus Online students may elect to participate in on campus classes. Classes are delivered between 9am and 6pm, in 3 hour meetings, once a week. View our current course schedule to determine if on-campus meetings will fit your schedule.

Practice Experience

Practicum experience is advised by graduate faculty and arranged by students. Students local to the Fort Worth and DFW area may take advantage of HSC relationships in the local community. Students in other locations will be coached on how to connect with potential practicum sites, to develop their project goals and to gain the most from their practicum experience.

Students complete 600 hours over the course of multiple semesters, as fits with their program completion goals and availability.  Exception: Students who have substantial prior professional experience that aligns with MPH competencies may apply for a waiver of up to 300 of these hours. From this professional field experience, students gain a professional reference, interview discussion material and new confidence in their career path.

Cost, Scholarship, and Financial Aid

Total program tuition and fees cost estimates are available via the Office of Student Finance. Note the available pre-calculated charts by college and degree plan.

Financial Aid is available to support tuition, fees and living expenses. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 hours in a traditional term in order to receive financial aid. This translates to one 3 hour course per online session. Scholarship opportunities are currently focused on School of Public Health’s in-person, full-time programs.

See additional general scholarship opportunities available for application via the office of Financial Aid. Average loans taken for UNTHSC School of Public Health students are shared by the Financial Aid office. If you have specific questions, please contact the UNT Health Science Center Financial Aid Office via:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

We’re glad you have questions. Graduate school is a big step and requires careful consideration. You’re always welcome to email or call us for answers, but for your convenience, we’ve curated our responses to the most common questions from our applicants. You may view our “Frequently Asked Questions” page by following this link:





Texas Residency is established at the time of admission to UNT Health Science Center. We encourage you to review the details for the residency status requirements posted by the Registrar’s Office.