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The Division of Student & Academic Affairs is committed to providing opportunities for engagement, professional development and fostering a sense of community and belonging for all team members. Check out more below on what we have to offer!


Andrew Arvay’s Experience at HSC 

Andrew Arvay

What attracted you to the HSC?

The context in which we do our work matters a lot to me, and the largest determiner of that context for me is THE PEOPLE! I could tell from the start that HSC had people I wanted to work with, and I am grateful every day for the team we have in both the Office of Care and Civility and the Division of Student and Academic Affairs.

What is your team like?

The Office of Care and Civility (OCC) has been a thoughtful bunch, eager to work hard and smart to empower HSC students. The OCC team loves to say “yes” to new ideas and initiatives. We love to work with others and find new and better ways to support our students.

What is the most unique part about working here?

The students! Prior to working at HSC, I worked exclusively at 4-year institutions and I really appreciate the passion, drive, and maturity of our HSC students. It is incredibly powerful to consider that our actions support tomorrow’s health care providers, researchers, and experts.

How have you grown professionally while working at the HSC?

Formal professional development opportunities (e.g. conferences and trainings) have helped me grow my  knowledge and capabilities. I recently returned from a software conference with a list several pages long of things we can do to be more efficient and effective as an office. Taking advantage of those opportunities is a way of discovering what is possible.

What are three words that describe your typical day?

A typical day for me makes sense of the following three words:

Collaboration – The work of my unit heavily relies on the collaboration of campus partners and the relationships we share.

Learning – Every day, we have an opportunity to take in information and make sense of it so that we can deliver a quality educational experience to students.

Attitude – I remind myself often that I get to choose my attitude. I can “have to do something” or I can “get to do something.” The framing and attitude I bring to the task and the remembrance of my “why,” makes all the difference in how I show up.